Lifestyle Remedies to Manage Your Acid Reflux

While most people get the occasional bout of acid reflux, if you are dealing with symptoms of heartburn, hoarseness and a sour taste in your mouth more than twice a week, it’s time to take action to reduce your symptoms. Cases of acid reflux, or GERD, have been on the rise in the last decade,…
7 Home Remedies for a Sore Throat
Does it feel like your throat is burning or on fire? Or, are you experiencing pain, irritation, or discomfort that gets worse when you swallow? Sometimes a sore throat is the only symptom you notice. But, more often than not, a sore throat happens along with other symptoms such as a runny nose, swollen glands,…
When Should You See an ENT for Hoarseness?
Hoarseness is more than an inconvenience; it could be an indication of an underlying medical condition that needs to be treated. If you notice changes in your voice, then it might be time to reach out to an experienced ENT for diagnosis and treatment. What a Hoarse Voice Sounds Like The vocal changes vary from…
Do I Need a Doctor Referral to See An ENT?
If you have any symptoms affecting your ears, nose, or throat, then you might have a hunch that you need to see a specialist instead of visiting with a primary care physician. What is the process of getting an appointment with an ENT? It’s common for patients to wonder if they can go straight to…
How Do I Know If I Have Tonsil Stones?
Tonsilloliths, also known as tonsil stones, are small, hard bumps growing in the back of your mouth. This condition is actually quite common and can change in size, color, and symptoms depending on the patient. While tonsil stones might seem alarming at first, they usually don’t pose a severe threat to your health. But it’s…
When Should You See an ENT for Swallowing Problems?
Swallowing is an essential function that most people take for granted until something goes wrong. If you have problems swallowing, it’s essential to consult with an ENT for diagnosis and treatment. Usually, difficulty swallowing (known as dysphagia) is a symptom of another underlying concern. It’s important to address this issue and restore your ability to swallow…
Laryngitis – What It Is and What to Do
It’s a strange experience to open your mouth and hear a different sound than your normal voice while talking. If your voice sounds hoarse and you have other symptoms, then it’s possible that you might have a condition of the head & neck called laryngitis. What is Laryngitis? Laryngitis is a condition that affects the larynx (voice box),…
Vocal Cord Hemorrhaging – Symptoms, Remedies, Prevention
Most people take their vocal cords for granted until something happens that affects their voice. When you find it difficult to talk or sing, then you might be dealing with a vocal cord hemorrhage. What Happens with a Vocal Cord Hemorrhage? The vocal folds are located in the throat area. The “superficial lamina propria” is…
The Reasons You May Be Coughing After Eating
You just finished a delicious meal with the family, and then it begins: coughing after eating. This mysterious cough might occur occasionally, or some people start coughing after every meal. Most of the time, coughing is a symptom of an underlying condition. The body is responding to an irritation in the throat. So, the best…
Does Sinus Drainage Cause a Cough?
The short answer is yes, sinus drainage can cause a persistent cough, although there are other triggers for a cough as well. It is natural and normal for the glands in your throat, airways, nose, intestinal tract, and stomach to produce mucus. In fact, it is estimated that the nose produces approximately a quart of mucus daily!…