Why Do I Feel Embarrassed to Need Hearing Aids? Preventing Hearing Aids Stigma
Despite the benefits of hearing aids, many people feel embarrassed about wearing them. In fact, for those over the age of 70, one in every three people who need hearing aids actually wears them. Understanding the advantages of hearing aids can help overcome these feelings and embrace their positive impact. Misconceptions About Hearing Aids There…
Do You Regularly Have Trouble Breathing Through Your Nose?
Close your mouth and take a deep breath. Do you notice that the air flows freely through both sides of your nose? Or, is it difficult for the air to move through? If you’re having trouble breathing through your nose, then it could be a sign that you need to consult with an ENT. An…
Should I See an Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor for Vertigo?
The smallest parts of your inner ear can cause serious disruption to your day if you are experiencing vertigo. When this condition happens, it leaves you with a sensation of spinning and dizziness that makes it difficult to complete even the smallest tasks. Sometimes, vertigo goes away on its own without treatment. But there are times when…
Can I Go to An ENT for A Sinus Infection?
Can you feel the pain and pressure building in your sinuses? Then it could be symptoms of a sinus infection, which means you should seek medical care as soon as possible. A primary care physician has limited experience and resources for sinus infection treatment. Typically, a generalist will ask about your symptoms, then prescribe an…
Can An ENT Doctor Treat Nasal Congestion?
Not only is nasal congestion uncomfortable, but it could be a symptom of an underlying health issue. While it’s normal for these symptoms to happen occasionally with a head cold or viral illness, it could be a sign that you need to talk to a specialist if you are dealing with chronic nasal congestion. Picking…
Why Are My Sinuses So Bad Right Now?
When you experience a sudden onset of sinus pain and pressure, there are various potential causes for these symptoms. It’s important to understand why your sinuses are acting up so that you can identify a treatment that will work with the root cause to alleviate the symptoms. It can be debilitating to have these symptoms…
Vocal Cord Hemorrhaging – Symptoms, Remedies, Prevention
Most people take their vocal cords for granted until something happens that affects their voice. When you find it difficult to talk or sing, then you might be dealing with a vocal cord hemorrhage. What Happens with a Vocal Cord Hemorrhage? The vocal folds are located in the throat area. The “superficial lamina propria” is…
What Happens If You Let A Sinus Infection Go Untreated?
A sinus infection might start with annoying, inconvenient symptoms: congestion, discomfort, and sinus pressure. But don’t assume these symptoms will go away on their own. If left untreated, sinus infections can result in ongoing pain and discomfort that lasts for months. Sometimes, an untreated sinus infection can lead to serious complications – that could have…
How to Handle Sinus Pressure
When sinus pain is building, you probably feel that relieving the pressure is a high priority in your day. Sinus issues not only cause pain and discomfort, but they can disrupt your lifestyle and everyday routines. It’s hard to focus when you are feeling the pressure of sinus pain. Additionally, people find that these symptoms…
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction- Causes, Symptoms, Remedies, Treatment, Surgery
The throat and middle ear are connected through a small passageway known as the Eustachian tube. Have you experienced the sensation of a plugged ear, then felt it open when you yawned? That sensation was a change in the Eustachian tube. Usually, the small passage is closed, but it regularly opens to help with draining…