Relieving Sinus Pressure: Simple Strategies to Feel Better
When the sinus pressure is building, do you feel desperate for a treatment or solution to relieve the pain and pressure? Outside, everything looks normal. But inside, it feels like your head is going to explode. Sinus pressure is commonly associated with people who have the common cold or seasonal allergies. When the nasal passages…
Do I Have a Cold, or is it Allergies?
The symptoms of a head cold and allergies can be quite similar – so how can you tell the difference between the two? It’s easy to get confused about these health conditions. Both colds and allergies cause nasal congestion, a sniffly nose, post-nasal drip, and stuffiness. But just because the symptoms are similar, doesn’t mean…
Relieving Ear Pressure from Each of The Common Causes
Do you feel a constant sensation of pressure in your ears? If this pressure doesn’t go away, then it’s time to identify the underlying cause of your problem. An experienced ENT can help you find the reason why you experience chronic ear pressure, then an effective treatment can be identified to reduce your discomfort. Here…
Is Vaping Bad for You?
It seems everyone is into vaping – do you need to worry about it? As ENT specialists, we stay acutely aware of potential harmful trends that have the potential to affect our community – and vaping is currently topping the list. We want to help our patients understand the risks involved with e-cigarette use or…
When does a cold/flu become a sinus infection?
Everyone knows the dread of feeling like a cold is coming on. You eat more oranges than you have all year, but sure enough, you’re sick. Now you have been sick for days… maybe weeks? You forget what it’s like to breathe normally. What you thought was a cold might now be a sinus infection…